Psychic Mindfulness Readings
$80.00 / 1 hour

I turn the noise level down in our realm of reality to process on a higher vibration frequency that has no limit of information, which I would say is everything that it was and will be in our natural universe. The information I get does not belong to me, it belongs to you, the recipient, in our universal plane that we call reality.
The information is in the natural form, like water from a natural spring coming out of the ground, I filter very little only to help you comprehend the meaning and then we move forward.
Mentoring through the Heart
$275.00 / 1.5 hours

Educating in a sequence of steps for individuals, couples, or in a lecture setting about the process of how the mind works, allowing yourself to slowly drift to your heart and learning to live through your heart as much as possible.
The information I give is psychic knowledge and using different modalities that create a basis of information that allows you to move forward in a positive direction in the moment having mindful thinking that creates a higher frequency of balance in the physical emotional and spiritual essence of who you are.
Neuro Linguistic Programming & Hypnotherapy
$250.00 / 1.5 hours

Everything is about language. Interesting enough we hardly pay attention to it. Only when we get in disagreements or frustrated that somebody does not understand us do we realize how important words actually are. When you hold yourself in the cause and effect it creates a moment of clarity. That moment of clarity can help you re-frame situations and thought processes.
Hypnosis works by putting you into a deep state of relaxation and focused concentration. Once the hypnotic state is induced, letting go of old negative beliefs and behaviours have been achieved, then positive suggestions are made to your subconscious mind to change perspectives, patterns, behaviours and capabilities. In essence, Hypnosis is a bridge to the subconscious mind. Once we have new desired outcomes filed in the subconscious, our conscious mind will access this updated or new information causing us to behave, think and feel in alignment with the new resources.
We utilize the fact that the subconscious mind has the ability to accept what it imagines as real.
Inner Connection of Life
$5,250.00 / 6 weeks, 2-hour sessions twice weekly (24 hours total)

Robert Louis offers all three modalities in a six week program called “inner connection with life” this allows Robert Louis to bring all his gifts into practice facilitating a unique blend of love & knowledge channeling your energy creating a special program just for you the client this program is designed to kick start you right from the beginning giving you the best opportunity of success in your life.
Robert Louis has only three request:
#1: That is you need to trust Robert Louis and the program with a open heart, that he will create for you
#2: You will always tell the truth from your heart.
#3: That you are ready to get into the real game of life, that you commit yourself 100% to the program do all your homework, change is coming in a meaning full way, its time for you, to start really loving you, for you have one life its right now!!!
Robert Louis is your personal facilitator, you always have access during the program with Robert Louis.
Please note: Robert Louis cares about your outcome, of success in your life! He invest 100% of himself that’s his commitment to you. Not everyone is ready for change. If you’re reading this it feels right your feeling excited that is the 1st step 2nd step is to sleep on it as this is a big investment in your life. Step #3 take your leap of faith, trust god, your heart & your soul.
In closing Robert Louis only does a limited amount of 6 week programs: Cost is $5250.00, two hours x two weeks with two-30-min follow ups between sessions total of 30 hours included is an extra five hours of follow up after the program. Any time after that will be at a discounted rate.